Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blog Updated

Thanks to a week in the high desert of Utah it's been a good minute since we had wi-fi. Blog is now updated.


  1. Thanks, guys! Glad to see you're making tracks and having fun at the same time!

  2. whew. Utah to Colorado wore me out just reading. Seth maybe you could jot a note to whoever sold you that bike & they could replace it at no cost. Riding through the night under an almost full moon, hot springs for way weary muscles, rafting through billionaire country, pedaling downhill at 8mph. You should catch up w/ the 23yo featured on This American Life who decided to walk across the country to "find himself" after it was too apparent he couldn't find a job.
    PS I'm sending you a Tree book. Just to be a nerd, not all conifers are pines. Think firs/spruce while in Colorful Colorado.
    Wishing the best for night rides through Kansas & Seth's back wheel... J

  3. Hi Seth! Your mom forwarded the link to your blog and shared your great adventure with me. I'm more than a little jealous, and amazed at your ambition. I can't think of a better way to unwind and reflect on a first year in the classroom. Good for you!

    I love Colorado, so I'm especially interested in your journey this week. I spent some time in Crede, Colorado, (which is south of where you are) on a ranch with an author who is an outdoor adventure writer. Her name is Pam Houston, and she used to write for Conde Nast, the travel magazine. Just think--you and Jack could write and publish these great stories!

    We've had the chance to see Joe some this summer, as umpire for Andrew's senior league baseball games. He does a great job teaching the boys as he calls the game. He and Scott have been spending some time together playing Minecraft...(I'm rolling my eyes) but I guess it could be worse! I've heard this game has some redeeming value because of its programming component, but not sure I believe it!

    All for now--I look forward to following your progress! So glad to know you're riding with an English teacher :-) Best to you both!

