Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 4 - Woodfords, CA to Dayton, NV

42.5 miles / Day 4 of 54 / Woodfords, CA to Dayton, NV

Today we woke around 8 am, packed up our tent and gear and were on the road by 9:30 am. We stopped shortly into our ride and loaded up on a big breakfast at a roadside cafe.

1 down. 9 to go.

About 12 miles into todays ride we crossed into Nevada. We were really feeling yesterday's 40 miles of climbing in our legs today. Our route was great today in terms of evelation, barely any climbs, but we didn't put in that many miles as our legs are still recovering.

We met our first headwinds riding downhill out of Nevada's capitol city, Carson City. It was surreal pedaling hard downhill and realizing you're only going 11 mph.

Lesson #15: Enjoy the ride.

No need to push yourself beyond the point of exhaustion. It's beautiful out here, it's always a good idea to take a second to stop pedaling and enjoy the view.


  1. What a terrific trip so far. Congrats on overcoming the Sierra Mountain challenge. I'm loving the journal and all your great insights. Keep up the great effort and terrific blog.

  2. This is so amazing! I have goosebumps! Know that you are both in my thoughts. I feel so blessed to have such inspiring people in my life! One love :)

  3. Nevada= see if electrolyte bumps help? Glad I was lying down when I read about your 4,000ft climb. Loving your posts, your adventures, & your wide open hearts!

  4. Glad to hear you guys are having funded taking care of those legs! Keep being safe and enjoy the ride. I love reading about it :) -TFA Konicki

  5. I love the line "It was surreal pedaling hard downhill and realizing you're only going 11 mph." - Sounds like being in the middle of an Escher print!

    Glad you're having a great time. Stay safe.

    Love, Auntie M.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey guys, Julie and I have been keeping tabs on the blog. Great to see that you've had a great start and are enjoying your trip! We look forward to seeing your progress, so keep the posts coming.

    Hope you have continued good fortune and keep meeting great people along the way!
