Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 24 - Denver, CO

Rest Day - 4th of July / Day 24 of 54 / Denver, CO

Today we celebrated America's birthday by taking our second rest day of the trip.

We spent the morning exploring downtown Denver and the afternoon tooling around the South Platte River which runs through the city from north to south.

The river had a series of man made rapids that were friendly enough for kids to inter tube down. It's been almost three weeks since we biked through California and have been in a city this big. Community is a beautiful thing.

As dusk began to set we headed towards Coor's Field to see the Colorado Rockies take on the Los Angeles Dodgers. Baseball stadiums have so much more character that other sports' venues.

We sat in the upper deck, over 5,280 feet in the air, to see the Rockies win 9 to 5. Lucky for us there were fireworks after the game.

Jack and his friends Baden and Andrew ventured into downtown Denver after the fireworks and I hopped on the light rail to head to South Denver to meet up with my childhood friends David, Sean and Nick who I've known since I was a young blood in elementary. All four of us grew up together in Iowa City and David and Sean are living in Denver pursuing their dreams to be professional musicians.

Lesson #60: It's not about if you can or cannot make it, it's about if you are willing to stick with it long enough.


My outlook was all wrong when we left Iowa City post-high school. David moved to California to focus on music and I doubted his ability to make it as a musician. From the outside looking in there is such a large amount of quality music out there, and there is also a huge amount of not quality music that is wildly popular. I viewed Dave's chances in pursuing music and "making it" as a numbers game where the odds are severely not in his favor.

It's not that the odds have changed now, but my mindset has. Dave and Sean will be able to "make it" and support themselves off of their music if they continues on the path they are on. Dave and Sean have spent the past three years pouring into their craft. And they're just getting started. Stick with it brothers. You guys are onto something.

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