Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 22 - Salida, CO to Hillside, CO

38 Miles / Day 22 of 54 / Salida, CO to Hillside, CO

We were looking forward to this day specifically, as we had a shorter mileage day and were planning to see Seth's friend Mari (the one who went whitewater rafting with us) at the camp she worked out, just 40 miles down the road.

It was a lazy morning, as we finally bit the bullet and Seth had his entire back wheel rebuilt. We figured it was a better option than simply trying to put a band-aid on it for 3800 miles. The spokes were redone, the rim was rebuilt so it would be sturdy for the long haul.

Anthony (who has biked across USA and paddled the Mississippi) and Jack at the Simple Lodge Hostel in Salida, CO.

Lesson #56: Sometime a cheap fix is not the best option. Spend the time, money and energy to do it right.

With the wheel being rebuilt we had a super late start, around 2 or so, but not a worry as we had about a half day to do. Out of Salida, it was just gorgeous. We skirted along the Arkansas River for 30 miles and saw many boaters enjoying the immensely popular river. As great as it was, it made me happy we were able to raft such a private river--the Crystal River, just a few days previous.

In the late afternoon, we made our way to Hillside, CO which was the turnoff for Mari's camp, Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. This has been a camp that Mari had attended for many years and been a counselor for more, and she was simply visiting for the week. As soon as Mari picked us up and we went up the Sange de Cristo range to RTLC, we were immediately welcomed and felt at home.

We got to camp on a perfect week. It was family camp, which meant that families spent a week at camp together is fellowship, faith and fun. AND we were there for one of the most exciting nights of camp- the hoedown. Had we already biked 1400 miles in three weeks? Yes. But we still showed those campers what a real hoedown looked like- especially Seth. That boy can boogie.

The night finished with parents and children worshiping together. A really awesome scene, and a great thing to be a part of, making me super thankful for three awesome weeks of safety, guidance and joy from Christ.

Thanks, Mari for the invite. Thanks, Dave for the sponsorship and allowing us to get a picture of what sincere family community really looks like.

Sidenote - Lesson #57: Families should spend time apart and away together, especially with other families. There is power in numbers and in the community of believers, from little tykes to grandparents.

Thanks for showing that to us, RTLC.

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