Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 34 - Golden City, MO to Fair Grove, MO

66 Miles / Day 34 of 50 / Golden City, MO to Fair Grove, MO

Thanks to Jack and I both successfully fighting off our deep desires to pull an all nighter last night working on the hoop game we woke up rested. Its not that sleep was more important than basketball, it's just sleep....well no need to explain this one. Because nothing is more important than basketball. Ball is life.

Thanks again Pastor Dave for letting us crash in the church gym and for the air conditioning and couches.

We departed for the day a little ahead of Louie and said goodbye with hopes we would run into each other on the road.

Louie is a postmaster, about our age, back in the UK. Check out his blog here.

The early morning ride was gorgeous. It was a quiet Sunday morning and we loved the change in scenery from dry, hot, and flat Kansas tot lush. green, rolling hilled Missouri.

We loaded up on produce (avocado, mangoes, blackberries) and Gatorade for lunch. Grocery stores rule.

Leaving the grocery store we ran back into Louie and rode the last 30 miles of the days ride together. The hills really started rolling. Back to climbing. Oh how we've missed you.

We arrived in Fair Grove and decided to stop here for the night. Dinner was the classic $5 foot long. Thank you Subway.

Our new riding partner Louie. Hallo' der mate!

Lesson #72: Good things come to those who wait loiter in Subway.

We were not in a big hurry to leave Subway and we lounged in the air conditioning for at least an hour after finishing eating. Sometimes things just work out nicely.

Tom pulled up, came in, invited us to spend the night at his house and gave us directions. Second time in a row we've met generous people at a Subway.

Tom and his wife Gale lived outside of town, right on our route. We lucked out. Tom was a bike fanatic. A true lover of all things cycling. He asked a great question. "Are you cyclists on an adventure or adventurers on a cycle?". We were the latter. Tom and Gale's yearly highlight was the Hotter than Hell 100 bike race in Texas. They've been participants in the 100+ mile race for the past decade. Last years race was shut down in the afternoon when temperatures hit 114 degrees. Good news though, Tom and Gale had already crossed the finish line when they canceled the remainder of the race.

Best ending to a day of riding. Ever.

Lesson #73: Trade blame for support.

Tom and  Gale rode all over Missouri on their tandem bike together. Gale said they never fought on the bike, and talked about how they were a team and never blamed each other, rather put collective energy on task / problem at hand. Idea - tandem therapy. Put two people on a tandem bike who are fighting and make them work out their differences....This is either the next breakthrough in couples counseling or a fast track for quick endings.

Thank you Tom and Gale for your hospitality. Forever representing that Midwest love. Shout out to the heartland.

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