Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 46 - Sparta, NC to Stoneville, NC

86 Miles / Day 46 of 50 / Sparta, NC to Stoneville, NC

We woke up ready to roll and realizing how close to the end we really are. 4 days. Still doesn't make sense or really feel like we're in North Carolina.

We climbed through last of Appalachian Mountains and made it as we descended through the foothills.

Today's route had us going through Mt. Airy. Mt. Airy is the town that inspired Mayberry and the beloved Andy Griffith Show. To all the Andy and Opie fans out there we ate lunch at the Bluebird Diner.

Lesson #89: North Carolina shows the love.

No bias here - there has been a noticeable difference between North Carolina and the other 9 states we've biked through so far. People are patient on the road, give us space, and seem to be looking out for our best interests. (Three cars stopped in a 90 second period to see if we needed help when we were fixing Jack's broken spoke) Thank you for showing the love NC. We got us.

A mere 10,700 feet lower than the Western Continental Divide.

We biked through the afternoon heat and struck gold. You know those once in a lifetime ideas? Jack had one. We talked about children's book ideas and ideas for next what could make the next great Pixar movie. We'd tell you all the details but you'll see it on the big screen soon enough. Jack and I figured out by the time we sell the rights to Pixar, cash out, and they actually animate and make the film it'll be about the Spring of 2015. Payday baby.

We pedaled into Stoneville and had our classic dinner of milk & cereal and cheese & crackers from Dollar General. We asked around for a place to camp and we're coming up empty handed. When in doubt, find the police. We found the police chief and he gave us permission to camp in the park at the edge of town. The gates lock at night but he said we were welcome to stay there.

Ball is life.

We set up our tent on the outdoor stage overlooking basketball court.

We found an old soccer ball and shot hoops with it for a good 2 hours. We were in heaven. Ball is life.

The end is near.

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