Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 29 - Dighton, KS to Larned, KS

99 Miles / Day 29 of 54 / Dighton, KS to Larned, KS

We made good on our plan and got up a little after 5 am, with the sun still yet to rise.

We packed up camp and headed to the gas station to split our now routine box of cereal and half gallon of milk. Mmmm, cereal.

We made it on the road right as the sun was starting to rise and cruised. We rolled through the first 2/3 of our ride and were 60 miles deep before 11 am. We might be onto something with this whole go to bed early / wake up early lifestyle. Here's to hoping it continues.

We stopped at our only town with a bar on the route for today and downed lunch. We were feeling on top of the world and eager to finish out the last 30 miles of our day's ride.

Then came the heat. It was 106 degrees after lunch, with 19 miles heading due south into the winds. It was brutal. High while biking was 110 degrees. Absolutely brutal.

Lesson #66: Avoid the heat. At all costs.

Today was a day of firsts - first time hitting 110 on the thermometer, first creek bed in Kansas with water in it (the first 14 were dry), and first time being pulled over by the police. Apparently Jack and I were biking to close to one another. The sheriff wanted us to ride single file. We nodded and continued on our way.

Lesson #67: Farmers are good.

Disclaimer - I love farmers. It's an inherent part of my Iowa pride. Being out on the road for half of the country we've experienced the full range of vehicle interaction from being yelled at / flipped off / exhaust intentionally blown in our face to people going out of their way to give us rides / beverages / loud cheering moral support up steep climbs. The positive interactions by far out weight  the negative ones. But there is something special about farmers. They show a certain love and respect on the road. An almost unspoken language where our eyes meet, and we exchange stoic nods. I think it comes from the empathy they feel for us as bikers. Both us on our bikes and farmers driving their half-ton combine down the road feel drivers impatience with us. And sure the farmers are sitting in air conditioned drivers seats and we're really out here in the heat, but I think they feel for us. And for that we love you.

We checked in with Larned Police and got permission (thank you) to camp in the park. After a cool dip in the pool and refreshing shower it was off to bed. We want to keep pushing this earlier and earlier. Gotta beat this heat at all costs.

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