Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 47 - Stoneville, NC to Oxford, NC

96 Miles / Day 47 of 50 / Stoneville, NC to Oxford, NC

Today was a milestone for us in a way. It was our last big mileage day of our journey!

When we rerouted our trip, we knew we were going to have a few days with big miles in order to reach our goal of finishing by the 30th, and this was the last of them.

What made this day so great though was knowing our end destination. We'd be staying at my house tonight and have the opportunity of some great friends visiting us and catching up on what we've all done with our summers, so we were anxious to get home.

After another night of sleeping by a basketball court (I'm sensing a theme here) we awoke early to crank the mileage out.

It's been fantastic being able to introduce new parts of NC to Seth. I've been here for the last 5 years and have been fortunate to see most areas of the state. Seth just finished his first year in NC so it's great to see him excited for new places and new terrain.

We stopped for breakfast at Dick's Drive In in Eden, NC. After a wonderful breakfast, we started talking to the owners of the restaurant--they've been there for over 50 years!--and shared what an incredible journey we've had. They gave us free t-shirts to remember them by and to commemorate our trip.

Lesson # 90: People are still interested in our story. Don't be afraid to share it with them.

We worked our way East through the Piedmont on US 158 all day and started to see signs for Oxford about 30 miles out.

We flew the last 30 miles and arrived at home around 4:30. It was really a crazy feeling biking on the roads that I spent so much time training for this very opportunity.

Lesson #91: Family over everything.

Roommates Brad and Kasey were home and welcomed us with open arms. Again, it was surreal being home again after being gone for so many weeks.

Our friend Krista joined us, as did Shane and Clara (shout out to Shane and Clara, avid blog readers, I know you're reading this. So thanks.)

We had a great night cooking, laughing and catching up. It is pretty special to have such a great group of friends after one short year together teaching in NC. We are truly blessed.

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