Sunday, July 28, 2013

Last post!

The next time we post we'll have finished our 3,8000 mile trek from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. We just wanted to take a minute to reflect and thank you all for your love, encouragement, kind words and support. Without so many loved ones helping us and cheering for us along the way, there's no way we would have finished this dream!

We'll be finishing on Tuesday, July 30 at 3 p.m. at Ocean View Beach Park in Norfolk, VA. If you are in the area or would like to spend a fun day at the beach, we'd love to see you there at the finish line.

Again, so much love has been showed to us this trip and we are incredibly grateful. Cheers to the finish.


  1. Hey Jack!

    I've been keeping up with your posts as my daily bus reading on my way to work. Man, you have really had an incredible journey and I am so proud of you. Loved all the characters you met along the way and your ability to appreciate the little things. This blog will be so cool to look back on in 30 years. It truly captures the spirit of America! Keep on adventuring my friend.

    Hugs from New Zealand,

  2. Hi Guys,

    Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! Lou and I have really enjoyed reading about your journey this summer. Although we only met you briefly, I feel as if we really know you guys now after reading about this awesome adventure. Best of luck as you start this next year of teaching! And, more importantly, continue to live your lives to the fullest each and every day! Congrats again and best wishes as you reintegrate back into "real" life.

    Take Care,

    Lou and Julie Workmeister

  3. Jack and Seth, congratulations! You probably won't see this until you've finished, but Julie and I have been keeping up with your journey since we met you in Twin Lakes Park back in May. Wow! You guys did it! What a great accomplishment for the two of you.

    We consider ourselves lucky to have met such fine men. The kids whose lives you will touch will certainly benefit from your genuine character and the lessons you've taken over the past couple of months. We had hoped to surprise you at your destination, but it didn't work out. Definitely our loss.

    We're glad your trek worked out so well - it couldn't have happened to two better people! Keep doing great things and hopefully our paths will cross again sometime in the future.

  4. I hope you saved all those busted spokes for wall art to commemorate your journey. ... thanks for bringing so many of us along. Soak up the Atlantic & a long enough afterglow to brighten up your classrooms. They're gonna love the slideshow, and the "Lessons".
