Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 48 - Oxford, NC to Weldon, NC

65 Miles / Day 48 of 50 / Oxford, NC to Weldon, NC

I woke up late this morning after sleeping in my own bed (!) and Seth waking up even later. First day all trip that we didn't set an alarm. (You know we're getting close when...)

We hung out with the group in the morning and Kasey decided to join us for part of our ride today. We loved every minute of it, as Kasey has become an avid biker and it was great to get some company for the day. Kasey's the only guy on our trek who's ridden with us. We had a great day!

We took back roads to Henderson, where I teach and actually biked right by my school. Glad that I don't have to be back there for three more weeks :) We biked right by Seth's old house as well as his high school. Talk about surreal.

After we left Henderson (12 miles in) it started down pouring and we got drenched for about 15-20 miles. Like soak you to the bone wet.

We stopped in Warrenton, where Seth teaches, for some Chinese food and Kasey bid adieu to us as he was biking back to Oxford for the day.

It dried up and Seth and I really hit the miles hard. We were on flat pavement and good weather so we were straight cruising. Additionally, we only had 60ish miles to do today as we have no huge mileage days remaining (we are finishing slower as to enjoy our final miles) and we got to Weldon early. We're crashing with our teaching friend, Donnell tonight in Weldon. Thanks for the crib, Don!

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