Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 45 - Damascus, VA to Sparta, NC

68 Miles / Day 45 of 50 / Damascus, VA to Sparta, NC

Thank you to "The Place" for the shower and place to stay. We packed up our bikes on the front porch and talked to two Appalachian Trail hikers about their adventures. Their parting words. America has become a fascist state where the corporations control the government  and society. Nothing like a little light talk to start the day at 6:30 am in the morning.

We left Damascus embarking on our last big climb of the trip. You read that right. The final passage of sorts. 2000 feet of vertical climb in about 20 miles. Lets get it.

The climb up was gorgeous. We intersected the Appalachian Trail multiple times as we zig-zagged up the mountains and alongside the Dan River.

We were about 4 miles from the top when we stopped for a Gatorade at a roadside homemade rest stop.

Lesson #88: "I'd rather build something useful that sit my life away on the porch."

Ronald Regan (yes) had built a rest stop for bikers (motorcycle focused) high in the Appalachian Mountains. It was a self-made paradise that had fee camping, a stage for show, a renovated RV, and a cabin (both for rent for $10 a night). Ronald had built the cabin out of old recycled shipping pallets. A true innovator at heart. All profit that Ronald makes goes to the Wounded Warriors project to support injured veterans.

Jack and Ronald Regan.

Just as we finished the climb we crossed the border into NC. Home at last.

9 down, 1 to go.

We enjoyed the downhill of the other side of the mountain and turned to go off of Adventure Cycling maps. We were going rouge from here to Virginia Beach. Less mileage, fewer climbs, and being able to bike through our home state instead of Virginia is what inspired the re-route.

Getting directions. Lost. And soon to be, thanks to David, found.

We rode into Sparta at sunset and ate dinner at the Brown Box Cafe. Dinner and a hotel room had been given to us by Pastor Bruce from First Methodist Church. We called him a few days earlier to ask if we could sleep in the church basement and he did us one better. Thank you for the generosity.

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